May 2018
Benefits of Prefabrication
“The process of construction continues to evolve. We simply couldn’t have achieved the deadline without prefabrication. The results are real, and it was, without a doubt, a major contributor to the success of this project. Prefabrication made construction faster, safer and more predictable.” Maja Rosenquist, vice president and general manager Mortenson Construction. What are some of the benefits of... -
Recycling & Opportunistic Fraud
I was getting caught up on the news when I came across the following two articles. What do they have in common? Recycling and fraud. 5 Indicted in Alleged $80 Million California Recycling Fraud KC, Blue Springs Men Indicted in $388,000 Scrap Metal Scheme Semi filled with empty cans The first article dealt with a California recycling firm that was...